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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Stop diabetes with "Number, Type, Schedule"

Who would not want to live a healthy life? Everyone would want it. However, in reality, not a few people who rule out the importance of maintaining good health. The high activity of people in big cities because of the demands of work, make healthy diet and exercise are marginalized. Fast-paced culture raises spoiled and lazy to move that took part in making unhealthy body.

No wonder some of the diseases that should be suffered by older persons, has now suffered by young children. The decline in vegetable eating habits among young people rarely exercises funds to the cause. Therefore, some started to get severe illness among young people, including diabetes mellitus.

Did you know every 10 seconds, one person died because of diabetes. According to data from the WHO in 2009, 90 percent of persons with diabetes mellitus due to lifestyle of the people who tend to be unhealthy, such as lack of exercise and unhealthy diet with the consumption of carbohydrates, fats, and the other in excess.

Because of the high diabetes mellitus in the world, the UN set as non-communicable disease (NCD), the disease is not contagious, but it lasts long and hard down the numbers. This determination was decided in the high-level summit in New York, United States. With the inclusion of diabetes mellitus in the United Nations health programs, so the disease can not be underestimated.

How to cope

The key to avoiding diabetes mellitus is to start changing the pattern of life. One of the guidelines to manage your diet is to "Number, Type, Schedule". These guidelines invite everyone to always do a healthy diet and ideal.

"Number" Everybody can calculate the ideal number of calories should be consumed by the body, which is influenced by the height and physical activity that can be done. The number of calories consumed on one day more or less normal in 1.500kkal.
Meanwhile, for the "type" of people invited to the type of food consumed. Each food has a nutritional variety. By adjusting the type of food consumed, the nutritional composition can be balanced. The ideal type of healthy eating is contains 45-46 percent carbohydrates, like rice, potatoes, cereals and others, 10-20 percent protein, like fish, lean meat, skinless chicken, tofu, tempeh, and other low-fat milk, and 20-25 percent fat, and vitamins and minerals.

One way to measure the amount and type of calories you consume is to use the Zimbabwe Hand Jive. This method made by Dr. K Mawji to teach measure the amount and determine the types of nutrients consumed in one meal according to the size of each hand.

Then for the "Schedule" is set in a day eating schedule an ideal is 3 big meals punctuated by three small meals including breakfast.

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