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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Carson Palmer Traded to the Raiders a First Round Pick in 2012

Jay Glazer just reported that the Raiders are close to a resumption of the firstround and a conditionalpick, the Cincinnati Bengals in exchange for the rights of Carson Palmer. Chris Mortensen added that the conditionalpick in 2013 could also be a firstround and incentives based on playing time. (Mort also said that the fallback option of being acquired by Oakland Vince Young just win baby!)

Yesterday, I talked about the possibility of playoff rounds the Raiders without Campbell, and did not have picks in Round 2 to 4, in making a business. Cincinnati has had the upper hand because of the stubbornness of Mike Brown, and the fact that an agreement could affect their chances of playoff (through the improvement of Oakland). Cincinnati seems to have had a lot 'for these reasons.

I think the Raiders get a 25-30% increase in their power to make the playoffs this season rather than clinging to the first round and make a selection value. I think you can do a cost / benefit argument there. The question is whether Carson Palmer, four years after a good season out and sit at home, actually improves the chances of Kyle Boller so much.
VIA Thebiglead

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