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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Improved Quality of Ozone, Global Warming Remains

Quality ozone recent years to improve with recovery capacity reached 98 percent. In 2005, the quality of predicted ozone equivalent conditions in 1990, but a substitute for ozone depleting substances at this time, namely hydrofluorocarbons, permanent impact to the increase in global warming. Requires finding the relevant technology to reduce ozone depleting substances, while reducing global warming.

Based on the commitment to the Montreal Protocol in 2007, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) used as a substitute hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) as an industrial material that destroy ozone and causing global warming 2,000-fold power of carbon dioxide. Some industries use HCFCs or HFCs as a refrigerant vehicles, air conditioning, foam industry, and so on.

Real impact,
Impact damage to the ozone layer causes the filtration of the sun's ultraviolet rays is reduced so that interferes with human health. In addition, increased mortality in aquatic plankton and fish feed sources to reduce drastically the impact on decreasing the human protein source.

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