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Thursday, October 27, 2011

JaMarcus Russell Talks With Sport Illustrated

JaMarcus Russell Talks With Sport Illustrated

Over a year has passed since the Raiders released quarterback JaMarcuss Russell, the No. 1 choice in the 2007 NFL Draft. Over the past 20 months, numerous rumors emerged about Russell broke, fired from his coaching life, and went down a path bad.

Now, for the first time, Russell agreed to a meeting to address these things and much more. This feature is in the new issue of Sports Illustrated. Here are some excerpts of the interview, like Sports Illustrated is available:

Russell said of his struggle came from dealing with the death of 11 family members or friends, including his uncle and father figure Ray:

"I've been so nobody knew. Going to a funeral on Saturday, flying in the game on Sunday. Then I hear," did not give a good example. "Really?"

Russell says he was betrayed by former coach Tom Cable:

"I stuck my head for him. They do not complain when I bench as a starter. Do not you complain if he plays the same damn five times? You do not [badmouth] he other coaches. If the [media] ask me, I say:" It 'a good coach, a good boy. "Then I heard it said that it was the worst thing that ever happened to the Raiders, if it were not for him we would be in the playoffs? ... It' just happened, where the game is not its fun for me. "

Russell said he has received more than his share of blame for the Raiders struggles:

"The lack of support from his teammates:" Things were not going well, and sometimes it seemed that everything fell on me. I take some responsibility, but I was a boy.... Maybe I missed a beat, but I gave up 42 points, has not failed to block. "

Russell also said that some of the $ 39 million or so paid by the Raiders has been used - has been guaranteed $ 32 million - on the works of charity in his hometown of Mobile, Alabama

These things are: the payment for turkeys for Thanksgiving food drives, chained purchasing supplies and library books and uniforms for local schools for local sports teams, signing the renovation of his church, building ramps for disabled passengers and children reward you with a straight A to bikes, MP3 players and GoPhone.

"If I do go bankrupt, has to be providing for my environment and my family." So why did not publish his work more charitable? "My job is my job. This is what I prefer. I have to look to the Lord. I do not have to look at any news cameras damned!"

He reported that he slept during the team meetings with the Raiders, Russell said:

"In the NFL, my first year I had to be there at 6:30 in front of the office and on the treadmill for an hour. Then come to the meetings, I sit down and eat my fruit. Let's look at movies, and maybe I'm tired. Coach Flip [quarterbacks Coach John Defilippi pulled me aside and said, 'What are you doing for the nightlife, "I said,' Coach, I'm just chill out." He said, 'I need you check out. “I have a sleep test, and they said that I had apnea.”

Life Coach John Lucas told Sports Illustrated that didn’t fire Russell.

"I do not know where the [review] did. JaMarcus is a good guy; I tell you, just need to find his motivation. But we're still talking. Let me tell you of his sleep apnea. A lot of [his problems] to obtain this. And no one knows. "

Russell denied tie.

"Football is not paying for me now. Have 1 million dollar game and you can do. Not so, I myself am in a place where the zeros put into the bank last long. But I'm not broke. Far from this. "

As for what the future holds, Russell said:

"I'm going to keep moving, man. But if I do not make it back in the NFL? I will o.k. As a competitor, I feel like I have unfinished business. Like," It cannot end this way. "But you want to know the truth? I know that the game does not owe me anything."

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